Technology watch for everyone

An appetizer

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Make your tech watch easier!

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Feed aggregator

  • Organize, read and share the content of your feeds, blogs, ...
  • Google Reader is almost dead, use Feedly instead

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  • Save, organize and tag your links
  • Try Delicious

General websites

Start here!

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  • Links curation
  • Dedicated "Zones" for a lot of technology (Java "Zone" = Javalobby)
  • Website

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  • News, articles, presentations, interviews, ...
  • Dedicated sections for a lot of technology
  • Website


  • Social news on various topics
  • News from a huge community about computer science... but not only
  • Website

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Know the basics!

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Framework blogs

  • Spring: Leading application development framework for enterprise Java
  • Hibernate: Leading Java persistence framework

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Company blogs

  • ZeroTurnaround: Author of JRebel and LiverRebel tools, very interesting reports
  • Blog and Labs Excilys: Blog for in-depth articles and Labs for short articles
  • OCTO: A french IT services company
  • Lateral Thoughts: A young and small French IT services company
  • Jawg Maps:A French blog covering best practices about: Java, CI/CD, high availability...

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Personal blogs


Follow the droid!

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Official android blog

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Company blogs

  • Square: Lot of android rockstars inside (Bob Lee, Jake Wharton, ...), a bunch of open source projects

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Personal blogs

UI/Design sites

Newsletters / Google groups / Communities G+


Funtionalize your feeds!

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Framework blogs

  • Typesafe: company behind Scala, Akka and Play!
  • Akka: framework to build concurrent and distributed app

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Company blogs

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Personal blogs

  • Sadek Drobi: CTO @ Zenexity, Play! core developer, Play! Enumerator/Enumeratee API creator
  • Pascal Voitot: Works @ Zenexity, Play! core developer, Play! JSon API creator


Continuous Improvements!

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Company blogs

  • Docker blog: publish frequent news about the docker releases and projects
  • Heroku blog: success stories, framework testbenches & articles

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Personal blogs


Feeds indexed: CHECK

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Framework blogs

  • jOOQ: DSL for writing SQL

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Personal blogs

Conferences, User groups, ...

Meet the community!

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Paris JUG

  • Paris Java User Group: thematic conferences on Java ecosystem
  • The second tuesday of the month at ISEP
  • Website

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Paris SUG

  • Paris Scala User Group: thematic conferences on Scala ecosystem
  • One conference per month
  • Website

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Paris AUG

  • Paris Android User Group: thematic conferences on Android ecosystem
  • Website

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Docker Meetup

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Devoxx France

  • 3 days conference for Java/JEE Developers organized by the Paris JUG team in Paris one time per year
  • Great talks to be watched at home
  • Website
  • Youtube Channel


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  • Leading French Java podcast
  • Talks mainly about Java/JEE ecosystem, and entreprise application development
  • With Emmanuel Bernard from JBoss
  • Website

The Java Posse


Café Craft

Thank you!

This presentation uses reveal.js, source available on GitHub. Forked from @blemale